Saturday, November 16, 2019

"Not your mom," Support, Always Learning

A look at the oddity of moms complaining that they want to be treated (in a discussion) the way we treat our kids.

New writing on the list of supportive statements, right under the list of short quotes—a longer one, and feedback.

The Always Learning discussion group has been moved from yahoogroups, where it had been since November 2001,
to its new home at ! You can read it there (and 18 years of archives, too!) or you can read and respond through e-mail.

photo (a link) by Gail Higgins

Becoming an unschooler; Rescued Archives (x3)

New writing on Becoming an Unschooler, at the bottom of this cleaned-up and rearranged page:

Archives of three groups have been rescued and ensconced on my site, by Vlad Gurdiga who knows how to do it, and did.
Yahoogroups will not keep archives, starting soon.
Always Learning is archived in two places now (having been moved to, with its archive) but two other dormant groups' archives are here now:

I was never on Unschooling Basics, but one of the founders used to send me quotes and posts to put on my site. It will be good to be able to change the links, as I come to them, to the new archive. Unschooling Discussion was given to Joyce to own and rename after the owner of unschooling-dotcom got tired of it.

photo (a link) by Ester Siroky

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Unschooling is...; Principles; Waking up for work

Addition of an explanation of how unschooling works, by Meredith Novak, to definitions directory page:

Brief interview recording added to the page about Principles

New page for a saved response about the perpetual question about of how, without childhood bedtimes, will one ever get a job?

photo (a link) by Destiny Dodd

Monday, November 11, 2019

Moderation, Books, Detox

Response to a claim about needing "a happy medium," added to the page on moderation:

Book reviews/updates on a book list I made in 2001, of books that had inspired me and that I thought could help others.

Clean-up on an antique transcript on Detoxing from school (a more pointed sort of deschooling). Good stuff.

photo (a link) by Manessah Ellender Garcia

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Help (here is some); Hate (don't do it),

Help (page updated)

Two stories / examples added at the top of the (very short) page on avoiding hating things. "I hate..." doesn't lead to a good place.
The links from those to their originals go to two newly-available things, too... you'll see.

photo (a link) by Janine Davies