Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Parenting Peacefully, Threes, 404 page change

Addition of a link a great quote by Meredith Novak, bottom:
(first addition to that page for years)

This page isn't very important, but if I don't note it here, I might lose it.

Something has been added to my error page (a.k.a. 404 page). IF the URL was once good but has failed, there should be a link to an archived copy at the Wayback Machine site. If you would like to check it out, this is a link that will show you the new feature (which was provided by WaybackMachine.org).
The current URL for that is chores/gift (not chore/gift).

Notes on that:
#1, I very rarely change a URL.
#2, Most errors are people guessing, or entering a link with a typo.
#3, Guessing often works.
#4, if the page is not at the Wayback Machine, that message won't show at all.

photo (a link) by Celeste Burke

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