Saturday, May 29, 2010

Movies, teens, service, ACE Festival

More movies that remind an unschooler of unschooling:
Anne Mills list, at the bottom (and other lists you might not have seen lately, or ever)

Something by Lyla Wolfenstein:
"a message to parents of teens: the illusion of control - a fairy tale of truthful proportions"

This isn't new, but it is obscure and still interesting. When I put Lyla's piece up, I cleaned up a few corners and bits of the teen pages. What I did mention in a discussion at the time, but didn't mention on the page, is that someone who professionally worked with teenaged employees through a school program was very impressed with Kirby (not knowing he hadn't ever gone to school; that would have made a difference to her opinion, I think, but I don't know what kind of difference).

Something about service, by Vanessa, right-hand column here:

In early 2011, January 7-10, a home-ed family with a five year old boy will be visiting in Albuquerque, and others are invited to come and hang out. The first of the details are here:
It won't be a conference with a site and speakers, but an opportunity to meet others informally.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Teens helping, physicality, Big Book review

Alysia woke up to several clean rooms "as if the cleaning fairies had come last night."
(second item)

Physicality; when kids need more activity
A collection of ideas from Pat Robinson (aka wuweimama)

Review of The Big Book of Unschooling (with comments on the web page, as well)