Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Halloween and other spooky things

Halloween used to be more fun when all the homeschoolers were in one discussion pool.
After shunning psychology for years, some of Halloween's detractors have adopted it (an outdated form), and plan to condition their children to think about Jesus (and other Biblical figures) when they eat certain candy and see jack-o-lanterns.
Wait... only click that link if your kids' Halloween costumes are ready, because you might be in there a while.

Scary, but amusing, about "Peaceful Parenting"

Monday, October 29, 2007

wishlists, teens, lyrics link

Unschoolers' Coming-Out Parties:
Wishlists for Unschoolers, by Sandra Dodd
New title by Holly, re-formatted. This was one my oldest pages and wasn't so easy to read.

Teens, a new title by Holly

Lyrics Game, new link/art on a few pages
http://sandradodd.blogspot.com (top left)
http://sandradodd.com (top right)
http://sandradodd.com/connections (near the bottom)
(my art on that one, with some tricks Holly taught me)

I've updated the speaking page (conferences) some. It was also one of the first few pages I ever made, and I know more now.
It's not pretty, but it's more for reference than reading. Mostly it's my own record of where I've spoken. I have a scrap book, kind of, where I keep my speaker's badge and the program, but it filled up and now it's a notebook and a little pile.

Sandra, Monday morning, Halloween week!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

computer games, Beatles, fun, English


Learning from Computer Games

Beatles (originals of most of the songs used in "Across the Universe")

another Beatles page, which will be added to, as will the one above

Spruced up:
Deb Lewis's List of Things to do in the Winter

Bored No More

Tweaked and spruced:
"Language Arts"


Saturday, October 20, 2007

principles, negativity, cartoons

Something new from Joyce, on principles
at the bottom

New from Deb on negativity
at the top (and it's new to the page, but not newly written)

Cartoons! Defense of kids watching cartoons, a page I don't guess I had ever announced. It wasn't linked anywhere, and was sitting there with a big formatting error. So I added to it, spruced it up, and here it is, with illustrations and its own links
That "t" in the middle is for tv. When I first started my site I didn't know at all what I was doing. Now I kinda know what I'm doing, but the old urls are still sometimes mysterious. If you forget how to get there in the future, go to sandradodd.com/tv and you should be able to find it again.

Creating webpages this way is like making quilts from materials other people have donated, but each scrap has life-changing power and sparkle. THANK YOU to those who write these wonderful bits, and to those who send them to me and say "Use this one!"

Real children's lives are made better all over the world when their parents can relax and smile and say "okay, let's do that!"

Thursday, October 18, 2007

New favicon

To those using Internet Explorer, this will mean little to nothing, but I have a note at the end...

I've changed favicons for the unschooling pages. There used to be a little duck. Now there's a tree—the smallest of the four trees Bo made for me. That's what should show to the left of the URL in the address box on a browser. Eventually the SCA pages will all have the duck.

At the moment, it's on some. These two should have a tree and a duck, respectively:

I lost the background on the unschooling page while dinking around with this change. I deleted my backgrounds folder. That's probably a good thing. That background was left over from when my unschooling page was on expage.com and they counted the characters and the fanciest art I could have was this:

I have read (yesterday) that if one on Internet Explorer saves a link to a site, the favicon will show. I read it on the internet, so it must be true. (eeep)

I like those trees Bo made me. They're to represent me and my three children, and I like the symbolism of big strong trees that grow from such small seeds.

Monday, October 15, 2007

pages I've tweaked lately

Things have been added or repaired on these pages. Maybe some of them are new to some of you, and new is new, right?


http://sandradodd.com/breathing (this is a page I've never announced before because it was too small; it's still too small...)

Children and Parents as Adversaries

Being your child's PARTNER, not his adversary
There's nothing new there but a link, but I hate to put the adversary page up without the partner page.

Late-Night Learning
Cleanup, replaced a background that had gone missing, added a photo

And I fixed it so that the new tree art replaces the old tree art on the error and search pages
If you use my search boxes you should get the four trees Bo King made me, instead of the one tree on a book I used to use, which only appears now (I hope) at

Friday, October 12, 2007

teens, chores, video game music, Minnesota

New link on the teens page, to something Kelli Traaseth wrote:

Something new by Pam Sorooshian on chores, bottom of the page:


Video game music (NOT midi-file stuff anymore!)

A not-quite-finished follow-up page for the keynote I gave for the Minnesota Homeschoolers Alliance conference two weeks ago.

I'm still tired from that and a week of fun in Minnesota. Some photos here:

(There are photos in the fourth link there too, of me and Holly in Minnesota, and Holly's best photoshop art.)

Friday, October 5, 2007

Halloween candy worries? (and Holly in MN)

Halloween isn't spread equally over the English-speaking world, but if Halloween worries are applicable to your family, here are collected comments concerning Halloween candy and how a family might handle it:


There's nothing new there right now, but I'm willing to add accounts of successes with loosening up, and if anyone has photos of Halloween costumes or candy or parties that don't have a home on the web, I'm willing to host those too. We can have a happy Halloween page for others to see in years to come.

There are some photos of Holly in Minneapolis (and Kelly Traaseth's daughters Abbi and Kyra) here, and more will be up to see within a few days:
http://sandradodd.blogspot.com (posts in early October, 2007--for those who see this later)

There's Holly with Paul Bunyon, and not the real Paul Bunyon, we understand. This is some kind of department-store Paul Bunyon for the kids, but the real Paul Bunyon is in Bemidji and we'll see him later.