Mixtures, swirls and solutions
*"Yesterday" in 2004:*
I still see "subject areas" everywhere, but I haven't taught those
categories and prejudices to my children. Science has much more...
Urgent care for my Uvula
These were taken where I spent much of Christmas Eve morning. I love that
place, on Montgomery east of Juan Tabo, in Albuquerque. I took the photos
for the...
Glucose builds brains
Joyce Fetteroll brought an article to an unschooling discussion, and wrote:
The article focuses on why human children spend so many years small
compared ...
Human sacrifice? Maybe...
Part one, to which I want to add other stories. This reminds me of a story
from the book *Strange Survivals,* by Sabine Baring-Gould, which I hope to
find ...
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