Musings about the Meanings of Cake, with the Spartacus story (the original cake page)
Betty's Birthday:
How a Peace Corps worker learned what some African kids thought about a picture of a cake with lit candles.
(This was linked, then disappeared, and I found another version later. It's very good, and backs Kirby up.)
Exploration and fun
Create an environment filled with exploration and fun, so that learning
will happen. Parent should learn enough about learning to create a learning
Urgent care for my Uvula
These were taken where I spent much of Christmas Eve morning. I love that
place, on Montgomery east of Juan Tabo, in Albuquerque. I took the photos
for the...
Glucose builds brains
Joyce Fetteroll brought an article to an unschooling discussion, and wrote:
The article focuses on why human children spend so many years small
compared ...
Human sacrifice? Maybe...
Part one, to which I want to add other stories. This reminds me of a story
from the book *Strange Survivals,* by Sabine Baring-Gould, which I hope to
find ...
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