Tuesday, August 20, 2013

screentime, Spanish, freedom

Karen James, 1/3 of the way down, "If I wasn't paying attention, and if I was afraid of the time Ethan spends at the computer, I would miss all of the creativity and learning happening. Worse still, Ethan might too, because my worry would become his burden."

Pam Sorooshian's 2011 article on child-led learning is new on my site en Español, with links to the translator's blog, and the original in English on Pam's blog.

A chat transcript from May, on the topic of Freedom, is edited and ready to read at a new location for chat transcrips which Marta Pires is helping me set up.  We should be able to keep the colors on the names, from future chats (and some past)

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Stress, The Big Book of Unschooling, Screentime, feedback/apology

Stress is a problem.

New review (new to the page) added about The Big Book of Unschooling, up top:

Screentime: How Google saved a calf's life (Alex Polikowsky, about the third item down)

New items on feedback, and a link to a large apology: