A Springtime addition to the page on the benefits of breathing, at the bottom.

"Read a little, try a little, wait a while, watch."
A Springtime addition to the page on the benefits of breathing, at the bottom.
Eighteen on 18: Gail's younger child, Logan has turned 18 while the older one is 21.
Something new on the service page, by Lori Odhner, and some by me, about 1/3 of the way down the page in the righthand column.
My summer trip to Europe (UK and France) is coming more into focus, and people can subscribe to a blog where details are gathered and news will be announced. As I travel, I'll add photos and comments. You're welcome to subscribe even if you're in some other part of the world. There's a link in the upper right to get it by e-mail through feedburner, and in the lower right to subscribe by a blog notification method.
The photo of Holly has nothing to do with the other links. I just liked it.
Two talks I gave in August 2010 at the HSC conference are available for download. Both were well received in person, and weren't available until last month. I forgot to link them here.
Unschooling: How to Screw it Up
Michelangelo said that to carve his statue of David, he just chipped away everything that didn't look like David. Or maybe he didn't say that. But clearly that's what he ultimately did. Here will be ideas to help you chip away what doesn't look like unschooling. It's not as difficult as you might think.
Partnerships and Teams in the Family
Seeing and avoiding adversarial relationships. Nurturing partnerships with spouses or significant others, and with our children.
These are $7 each. I was supposed to get freebies, but I finally gave up and went and bought them, so I can advise you on how to work the site.
You will need to register, before or after your order. They'll send a password by e-mail. It took my money and offered to let me print out a receipt, but never said "Okay! Here are your files!" An e-mail arrived later with links. I'm too impatient. So I went back into the site, checked my account, clicked "FILES" and there were the downloadable files. Without a download button. Click the name of the file. It won't tell you it's downloading, but it will be. If you click it six times (as I discovered) it will download six copies.
Go back and click "file."
Jill Parmer, who will be speaking this summer at the Always Learning Live Symposium, has a new site on unschooling in Colorado. Because of her linking to it, I cleaned up an article she wrote a couple of years ago to commemorate their 7th anniversary of unschooling. So here are links to her site, that article, and the opportunity for you to hear her speak.
Two examples (old stories, newly added) at "rulebound":
Tweaks and clean-up, main page; automated most-recent-posts for JustAddLight
The photo is of Jill, her two children, and one of mine; details here.