Friday, April 30, 2010

Dads, eating in peace, abundance, benefits

Lefthand, halfway down, James on formal education and unschooling

New (third item) on eating in peace:
I wasn't sure where to put it. I don't have a page on sad stories (nor do I want one), and there's a joy to it to, in a way.

New (second item) on abundance:

Unexpected Benefits
New article, 4/30/10 in Life Learning Magazine (online magazine) (by subscription)
A sound file of a presentation of similar material will be added to the site soon.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Online chats in French, and in English
Password/le mot de passe: goodidea

Upcoming chats:

en français

Discussions en ligne en français sur le thème du unschooling
les lundi de 9h à 10h heure du Québéc (15h à 16h heure de France)
et les mercredi de midi à 13h (18h à 19h heure de France)
Beatrice Mantovani

In English:

Monday 3:00-5:00 Mountain Daylight time
Friday 10:00-noon Mountain Daylight time

Saturday, April 24, 2010

New Interview, Sugar, Deb Lewis, TV, Connections

Deb Lewis comments on whether people can or cannot choose freely to eat something sweet:
and so a link to that page was added to the Deb Lewis page

Unexpected learning from TV, longterm report

New Interview:
To make up for a wildly unfair commentary on this site, one of the editors spoke with me by phone for half an hour, and then gave me a list of questions based on that conversation. Except for the intro, title and questions, it's my writing.

On the Thinking Sticks blog the format has been changed so that each article has suggestions for other links within the site, and the left sidebar starts off with the blogs of unschoolers. I've added some other blogs. If you know of a good blog by a radical unschooler that's not there, let me know. Thanks!

Coming in May, an article-version of a talk I've given two and a half times called variously Unforeseen Benefits of Unschooling or Unexpected Benefits of Unchooling. I wrote it for Life Learning Magazine, which isn't published on paper anymore, but is a subscription online (or printable PDF) magazine. Click the advance-cover image for a table of contents for the upcoming issue.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

"If only..."; divorce; new quote; Kirby

A new bit here:

Some adjustment here:

New quote added to random quote generator here:

The quote:
I can spend my energy on limiting my child's world so that he will be safe and happy or I can spend my energy on helping my child learn the skills to navigate our world himself so that he will be safe and happy. I think the latter has a better chance of success in the long term.
—Eva Witsel
(It's in there, too.)

Two new things on the Kirby page to back up all of the above:
The first has notes on a comic for which Kirby's appearance and name are lifted (changed a bit, but based on Kirby).
The second is a place to collect unschooling-related notes, starting with something I wrote about a presentation he gave in Arizona last year. He'll be at the HSC conference in Sacramento in August, helping me with a workshop or two, and being on the young adult panel.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Protection, Nest, Chat

People protect their children from what? How?

Addition to Building an Unschooling Nest, by Joanna Murphy

Improved Chat Room Entry:

The chat topic on Friday, April 15, 2010 will be helping our older teen/young adult unschoolers with their traveling and adventures.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

toy guns, science, "Revolution in a Box"

New images (slide show, lower right) on Peaceful Kids with Toy Guns

Scientific playing of video games (new link, top:)

New link on TV page, to "Revolution in a Box," first link, bottom right, on outside links:

(Thanks for that link to Colleen Paeff, and for the other news and photos to Crystal Miller.)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sound Files from San Diego conference in 2009

With the permission of Flo Gascon, organizer of the Good Vibrations Unschooling Conference, the following 2009 recordings are made available to hear on my site. Each has the description of the talk from the conference site, and the biography of the speaker at that time. I'm really glad these details and images won't be lost when that site is gone!

Unschooling and Math, Pam Sorooshian

Roya Repeating Herself, Roya Sorooshian

Connections, Sandra Dodd

Transformations, Sandra Dodd

In Pursuit of a Passionate Life, Jeff Sabo

Teen and Young Adult Panel, Ronnie Maier, Moderator

Radical Thoughts for Radical Unschoolers, Miranda Demarest

Friday, April 2, 2010

Writey-Drawey, "If only...", spanking,

As a footnote to a facebook post where Kelly Lovejoy asked Holly Dodd about a game Holly mentioned, ended up making a page of instructions and samples of a pencil and paper game, writey-drawey:

A quote with a link to a longer piece of writing, on the page about regret for not unschooling sooner:

Added a note and link about the harm of spanking or punishment, from Lori, on the Always Learning list:

Also added to that page: a link to the No More Spanking discussion list, run by an unschooler:
yes... but removed it when yahoogroups dropped their archives