Sunday, August 30, 2009

Certificado de Apoderamiento / Certificate of Empowerment

Joanette Aponte Yunqué has translated the Certificate of Empowerment into Spanish.

The original, with notes and links and Chevy-on-a-Stick:

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Socialization? and more video coming

What about socialization? Finally, a page about that oft-asked question:

The movie is still being finished, but those who contributed to the startup funding will receive their advance bonus DVDs soon. When the final movie is done, it will definitely be announced here! And I'm hoping to get a chance to put the raw interviews up where can see them at the Good Vibrations Conference in a couple of weeks, too!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Spanking and lying and yelling! (NOT)

Spanking Makes Kids Lie
(and has been known to make parents lie, too)
(an older page, refurbished because it's one of the links in the book)

New piece on "Change," by Shan Burton

Similar accounts to those about the changing effect unschooling has on lives are at the "getting it" link at the bottom of that page.

That's a Holly-self-portrait at the right. It's all one image.

Words, Italian curriculum for unschoolers

The beginnings of a new index page on Words. When I have the art done, I'll bring that too, but I'm working on a book this week, not on art.
(the photo is not the word art I plan to do; click it to see me in Wales)

Melissa Dietrick's curriculum, in Italian
Melissa is living in Italy, and has Italian-speaking children, and has shared what she created and translated for use there.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Mathematik (article in German)

This is a new announcement of something a year old, but that's fine. I only just knew about it recently.

I had a request to write about mathematics for a German magazine, and sent it off and didn't hear about it for a while. Apparently the paper copy went astray, that they sent, and I was waiting patiently. Or rather I was busily distracted and forgot about it. (upper right)
Those lead to links to the publication's website, and the German version in PDF. It was translated by Niki Lambrianidou.

I also have the book cover complete, and the book almost so, with help thusfar from Keith and Holly Dodd, Jill Parmer and Robin Bentley. Holly has done the cover layout. I took some of the photos, did some of the hand art, and she did the photoshop magic to make it whole.