Friday, May 29, 2009

More Stores, Geography, Transcription of Holly

There are some new photos of kids in stores, and a few links at "Stories of Stores"

Newly famous places: Pop Culture sites (ties movies and music to geography, with photos!) has been added to the geography page (Joyce Fetteroll sent that link to the Always Learning list)

Katherine Anderson transcribed Holly's little video for adreanaline who comes to the chats and is deaf.

Katherine is going to transcribe one or some of the youtube videos of me, too, so if you have friends who can't see video on their computers or can't get youtube or who are hard of hearing, links will be on the videos page to transcripts as they come up.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Seeing without labels, natural reading, "chop wood"

Michelle Thedaker wrote about the change unschooling is making in the way she sees her son.

The reading page has been cleaned up a bit. The older the page, the more likely it is to have no margins or other formatting left over from when I was just first learning. I still have a lot to learn about web pages, but this one is "new improved."

I guess the definition of "my site" needs to be expanded to include some of my blogs, which makes sense. They're just more interactive pages where you can leave messages directly! The video I've put here reminds me of the wood splitting opportunity there will be at the Santa Fe symposium (SUSS). (Keith will provide hatchets and axes, and will advise and serve as safety officer.) There's a new post there, too:

I changed the videos on my main page
and started a videos page here:

THANK YOU again, Lee Stranahan, for your interest in these ideas and for what you're able to do with artistry and technology!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

pressure, gradual change, sleep

A flash player once embedded here is gone, but click for a slide show!
Pressure: pushing vs. allowing interest

Coming to unschooling gradually: I'm starting to wish I had pushed this page sooner and harder, to help people prevent problems.

There's something new by Joanna Murphy, which links to that plus some more, on the sleeping page: (1/3 of the way down or so) and some new photos

Stories of Stores (well, I have one so far...)

Right up top, a new description of deschooling by Robyn Coburn. Short and strong:

Thursday, May 14, 2009

"cheese and crackers," me on others' blogs

Something new by Lissa in San Diego, on simple, practical ways to show love:
(lower left)

Me on other blogs:

It's my writing, but not new on my own site, so this is a borderline announcement. :-)
I'm featured on one blog today, and was on another last week, and there are another couple of cool things there.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

comparisons, and a speaking schedule change

Chat transcript for Monday's "comparisons and judgments" chat:

The June 13 "unconvention" is being postponed until some time in the fall. There might be one in Los Angeles in addition to the one in Albuquerque; I'll let you know as I learn more.

In November or maybe October (or maybe early December), we're having guests from India—Ravi and Hema Bharadwaj and their children Raghu and Zoya. I promised to invite some other unschoolers with young children over, and now it's turning into a three day opportunity to meet other unschoolers. Because the January symposium isn't really geared toward beginning families or younger kids, this is an partner-plan.

It's still unformed, but in my head I'm calling it The Monkeyplatter Festival, and I'm hoping to have three days—one at Explora, one swimming/water play and one at my house and the park near me. When the date's known, I'll arrange good days and opportunities for those other activities. Conference fees? Nothing. Out-of-towners might get a conference rate at the new water park hotel if I can arrange that (all still to be determined), and we might have a room there for a gathering with a couple of speakers, or we just might not even bother. But somewhere there will be inexpensive lodging suitable for little kids, and I'll get a group rate at the museum, and we can have a monkey platter feast and work party at my house one day (with playground opportunities for anyone who wants to walk two blocks to the playground!). I need to do a couple of things before the Santa Fe Symposium that will be easier and more fun with other people. Nothing difficult at all...

Monday, May 11, 2009

children's food choices, changing, speaking

There's a new account at the bottom of True Tales of Kids Turning Down Sweets
and a photo.

The full version of that account is here:

There's been a page on "getting it" for a long time, but I've just made a new one about the first glimmers of getting it, which is another state of being worth considering.

At the request and urging of some of my readers, I'm including videos on my front page now. I think it can help people read my words better to see how they're presented in person. With apologies to those who wish I had a different accent or was better looking, they're here: