Saturday, May 24, 2008

2000 article newly available

I've scanned an article from the local paper. It's eight years old, but hey.... I didn't have a scanner then. For a while, after it was new, it was freely available online, but no more. (Now it is again, in a home-job fashion.)

There are two other articles I had already scanned, and some of you might have missed them the last time they came around, but now they're linked on another new page:

Friday, May 16, 2008

Addams Family, "Doddian," Allowance, Movies

First part of the first episode of The Addams Family is quite an unschooling extravaganza, and I had just the place to put it!

"Doddian"—I've become a footnote AND an adjective. Cool!!
Read the solution essay, too.
has links to his essays easily found from my site.

Allowance never had its own page before. Now it does.

On the movies page I'm adding lists of movies that might be good for discussing relationships. There are three lists:
relationships between younger children, between older children, and between children and adults. They're in the righthand column.

There's some more positive feedback, some in Spanish, and I put the most fun negative feedback I ever got on its own page, because of language (use of "the f word," in reference to MY LIST! How shocked should I be? Yeah, not very...).

I've been spending lots of time outside in my gardenYARD, in case I seem to be less productive online lately, but most of you are probably busy outside too and didn't even notice! (It can't be "garden" for not having rows of food (I have decided). Maybe a flower garden, but nah... yard.)

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Food, Math, Kirby

New writing, lower left:

News on an unschooler who chose school, and how his math went
and it's linked at, beginning of the links section on the left.

Recently on the Thinking Sticks blog:

REAL libraries
Food, History, Fun!
Numerals and Counting
Mystery Art

Keith, Holly and I visited Kirby in Texas:
Birds in Texas
Holly [one morning]
Kirby in April
Monday with Kirby
Twinkies, Texans and Tortoises