Wednesday, June 27, 2007

rules, nations, lyrics

Some thoughts about rules:
New piece at the bottom of that, about 14 year old girls and rules in different families

Nations of the World
just the beginnings of something, but kinda fun

The Lyrics Game continues; current word is "Party."

Perhaps I have mentioned how much I love the internet. I just adore the opportunity to share photos and music and ideas with people around the world, so quickly, without having to dress up or leave home. Thanks for being part of my fun internet experience.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Playing Encore online

I've set up a lyrics game.

Some of you have played Encore before (some of you have played it with me!)

I'm making an attempt to play a version of it online, just for fun.

If you want to come and play, the current word is "farm."

If that sounds fun and if you can think (THINK, not google) of eight words of a song that contain "farm" (or farming or farmer), go and put it in as a comment.


Sunday, June 24, 2007

expectations, video games, science

New page: Expectations
Robyn Coburn, on expectations, and lots of links.

Existing page: Tales of Happy Video Gamers
The second entry there is new to the site.

New page just a minute ago (as I'm writing this): Science
That will grow, but it's got enough for a beginning.

(Gratuitous Photo of Holly, who is in Rhode Island this week.)

Friday, June 15, 2007

oops... wrong blog

"Flowers, compost, patience, trees" is here:

That was yard news, not site news. Very sorry.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

change, attitude, subjects and respect

Susan, on UnschoolingBasics reported very clearly a day on which she
changed, and her perspective changed. (fourth thing down, I think)

Attitude and Unschooling
This is another of those pages I made and forgot about, and didn't
link to my main page (I have now), so I added the third column of
links (including "change," the one above this one) and ta-daa!

The page isn't new, but some of the links had been put in blank, on
speculation and hope I would eventually create them all. They've
existed for a while, but I had forgotten to go and fill in the
blanks. All workable now!

Respect (and kids who are aggressive and seem difficult)
I've added some very wise advice Robyn Coburn gave to a mom who said
her five-year-old son was becoming "aggressive and mean."

Monday, June 11, 2007

music, "Yes", connections

Something beautiful and new about saying YES

Connections, and The Day the Universe Changed,
both James Burke series largely about the history of science, and how one development leads to another...
Jocelyn Vilter found much online information and links to YouTube videos.
I've put the links here:, in the box on the right.

Addition of music to the music page:
and that will change from time to time

This is not the one that's at the link above; this is the one I made for MySpace, after Holly showed me how to do it. You can make one too (you can make several; I also have one at

You can make your own, or look through other people's, at
(or click "create a playlist" on anyone else's player).

Thursday, June 7, 2007

changes, driver's ed and research

Seeing changes in ourselves and our children:

A report by Kerryn in Australia, and a good quote from Pam Sorooshian:
"As we get older and our kids grow up, we eventually come to realize that all the big things in our lives are really the direct result of how we've handled all the little things."

"A Mom's-Eye View of Driver's Ed" written when Holly became a driver, with photos of Kirby, Marty, Holly and of Brett Henry's first truck.

Two things have been added at the bottom of this page, about what people want to know and why. (Hard to describe briefly, but worth a read!)

Monday, June 4, 2007

history songs, and powers of ten

Today's links both involve sound and video, so with apologies to anyone with a dial-up connection, here's the news:

Powers of Ten videos, four of them:
Hear Japanese and Catalan while you're traveling through theoretical space and theoretical-sub-atomic-land.

"When I was a Lad" from H.M.S. Pinafore
Because the Pinky and the Brain parody is based on it, and because I couldn't find a page that had words and music together, nor a set of lyrics formatted to my satisfaction, I made my own page:

That page links back to the Pinky and the Brain version, "A Meticulous Analysis of History"

These aren't new writings on unschooling, they're strewing opportunities and doors to exploration.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Elvis, Battle of New Orleans, Pinky and the Brain, Cavemen

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Today in
Elvis Presley History

1949 - Elvis Presley received a school report card on which he was given an "A" in English and a "C" in Music.

1982 - Elvis Presley's Graceland mansion in Memphis, TN, opened as a tourist attraction.


Maybe I never announced my Elvis page. It could use some more links. Anyone here have a favorite Elvis link or want to hunt one up? I added something to the "How Elvis Appears to Unschoolers" page too.

I came to that by following and working on links from a really new page (with a couple of addenda pages and lots of links):

Be warned that it opens with music.

So far, it includes
The Battle of New Orleans (Johnny Horton)
We Didn't Start the Fire (Billy Joel)
American Pie (Don McLean)
Abraham, Martin & John (Dion)
The Meticulous Analysis of History (Pinky and the Brain)


Deb Lewis was inspired by Kelly Lovejoy saying "Even Neanderthals learned!" and her response is well worth a read: