Thursday, March 20, 2025

Podcast series I'm part of

"The Ladies Fixing the World" (Season Two)

This podcast is three moms (I'm one) discussing elements of unschooling. The host is Cecilie Conrad (Danish, but traveling with her family, mostly in warm southern Europe), Sue Elvis (in Australia) and me (in the U.S.). You can tell us apart by our accents, so if you watch an episode to see what we look like, podcasts might be enough subsequently.

Nine episodes have been recorded, and three published so far. I added the links to:
Spoken Word and Video files

...and have also brought them here.

At the image below, you can listen directly. Here are links to YouTube if you like to see faces.

Friday, February 28, 2025

Purpose, Medieval boy-art

New page on the idea of "purpose"—having purpose, and living with purpose:

"Thinking about Violence" has a NEW sample of what boys doodle in notebooks! (well... it's not "new" but new to that page!)

Sorry I haven't kept up better with announcements of additions to pages. There have been a few, but this one's exciting. More information at

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

"Bored" and "Lazy"

From Amy Childs' "The Unschooling Life" series of podcasts, I've added a player for this episode to two pages:

The list of such insertions at various pages on my site, with links, is in a box a little way down
Spoken Word and Video files (
These are sound only, but you can easily listen from the page. Some have transcripts.

photo (a link) by Cass Kotrba

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Growth, Safety, Randomizer

On expectations, and stepping away a bit:

Safety in parking lots, partly; safety principles over rules:

The randomizer isn't new, but I've recently added over a hundred links that weren't there, including those two new things above. There are nearly a thousand pages in that randomizer now. Have fun!

photo (a link) by Roya Dedeaux

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Reassurance; normal

NEW PAGES (from older writing):

Teens can feel crowded. It's natural.

Normal, and unschooling

Reassurance—notes to a nervous new unschooler in 1985, in the days of America OnLine (AOL). Some things I might have advised a bit differently later, but some are as good as ever.

photo (a link) by Gail Higgins

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Marvels, Reassurance, Jitters

NEW TO THE SITE, but not new. Rescued.

Unschooling and other Marvels

Questions from a young mom and answers from an unschooling friend.

Confronting Jitters—Joyce Fetteroll

photo (a link) by Cathy Koetsier

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Montana, Italy, Godzilla

"Montana to Italy via Godzilla"
Interview of Deb Lewis, by Sandra Dodd,
finally formatted fully with photos and current links.
It's been on the site, but was dusty and never announced.
Now it's spiffed up and (was always) worth reading.

photo (a link to "Penguins and Saturn"),
by Theresa Larson

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Pets, Positivity, Better

Pets—several additions, new info on horses

Happy new page on positivity, with quotes, links and images

The "better" page is better:

photo (a link) by Gail Higgins

Friday, March 22, 2024

Influences, What to say, Structure, Moving

Who Inspired You?
two new stories added at

"What can I say to doubters and critics?" (This page isn't new, but wasn't announced before.)

Additions to the page on what might happen without structure:

Just finished (started and then misplaced it): Moving (making it easier)

photo (a link) by Sandra Dodd

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Definition of Unschooling; don't use "screentime"

Lyle Perry wrote a definition of unschooling that was worth a new page:

The clearest reason ever to abandon the term "screentime"

photo (a link) by Karen James

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

"Nest" (addition from 2005)

Added to the page "Building an Unschooling Nest," today:

Sandra, in 2005, to someone who described her son's BEAUTIFUL day, and asked if she should be doing more.

If there's a party at your house and there's enough food, there's toilet paper in the bathroom, the trash isn't overflowing and each guest is smiling or laughing, could you do more?

LIKE WHAT? Let partying dogs dance!

Things will change from time to time, and there will be lulls and slow days, but much of what you name up above DID involve your "doing."

I'll write more later, but Keith and Holly want me to get in the hot tub with them. Woohoo!! It's happening because I clean it every week and I built a fire earlier today, so it's hot. I washed swimsuits. I didn't say "It's time to get in," but I did prep work to make it possible.

Don't discount transportation, food, clothes, hospitality to friends, etc.


Others had encouraging words for the mom, too. That was before we were using the idea of the creation of "an unschooling nest." Here is that discussion.

-----------end of quote/addition---------------

Here's a photo of that hot tub, which we had for many years, but it became leaky near the top, for being in the high, dry desert. Lower, where it was kept wet (it was either filled or being washed), no leaks. Higher on the boards,they were shrinking from low humidity.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Folklore, arguments, perspective

Unannounced before:
Kids' songs, children's folklore, things passed down (Alison's kids demonstrate a game; I sing)

When Kids Don't Know the Old Way (about food, and "the right answers)
Not a new page, but newly polished and announced.

Added an image and note to the Perspective page.

photo (a link) by Sandra Dodd