Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sugar, Spouses, Law of Attraction

Two new bits on kids and sugar, both by Annie Kessler, one she wrote on facebook, and the other she wrote to me so this will be a first-ever exclusive peek! :-)
They toggle back and forth, so you won't need to read the two pages to find them, but you might want to!

Gail posted photos and words about a hike she and Broc took together. It's sweet and inspiring.
I linked it here:
It's not so new now, but I forgot to announce it; sorry. Those attending the Good Vibrations Unschooling Conference in San Diego next month can hear Gail and Broc in person.

I was asked for what I had written on how "the law of attraction" can hinder unschooling. I've found two things and put them together here:
If others remember where other discussions are, or have written something that could be added to that page, please send me a note.


  1. Contrary to the Law of Attraction posting, there is no "Problem" with the theory or law.

    It's just like humans discovering electricity or anything else that's already "out there" ... then people are able to understand it and harness the powers that be.

    Yes, like attracts like...So what? As a result of mass awareness, more people are aware of their thoughts, which factors into their point of attraction.

    There is no PROBLEM with's simply information and education for those whom never realized this before.

  2. Acting like the "Law of Attraction" is part of unschooling IS a problem. It is the exact same problem as if any spiritual or religious belief was confounded with unschooling. If I went around speaking or started a list called "Unschooling" that assumed and promoted and was entirely devoted to unschooling based on my own particular religious/spiritual beliefs, and if I promoted that as if that WAS what unschooling was all about, that would be a problem. I may think other people's religious or spiritual beliefs are illogical and maybe laughable or even dangerous - and they may think that about mine, but it doesn't matter and isn't a problem unless and until someone mixes their beliefs up with unschooling and promotes them as if they are the same thing. That is a big problem. The only people I see doing that are the Law of Attraction followers. Others identify themselves clearly, such as the Christian Unschoolers or Baha'i or Muslim unschoolers, for example. If the Law of Attraction unschoolers would also do that, make it clear that they are not just talking unschooling, but talking about a reglious or spiritual belief system that they have chosen, then I would not consider it a problem for the rest of us unschoolers.

  3. Pam, I think it's a problem for those who claim to believe it will bring them riches and friends, though. I think religions that promote racism or child abuse (spanking, shaming) are a problem for unschooling too.

    If a family believes that visualizing learning, or future jobs, or friends, or parties, will create those things, their children will be at a disadvantage compared to other unschooling families where the parents are promoting logic, everyday courtesies and explorations, and non-magical cause and effect.

    For purposes of my site and discussions, though, the immediate problem is when someone shows up with the assumption that it's necessary or useful to make unschooling work.

    Anonymous wrote:
    "Yes, like attracts like...So what? "

    "So what" besides what I've already written?
    So negative, antagonistic people are unlikely to attract people who prefer logic to wishful "manifestation."

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. I didn't remove a Yanson quote and there isn't another administrator. Just in case anonymous comes to delete that one, here's what the first post was, to which others are responding:


    Anonymous said...
    Contrary to the Law of Attraction posting, there is no "Problem" with the theory or law.

    It's just like humans discovering electricity or anything else that's already "out there" ... then people are able to understand it and harness the powers that be.

    Yes, like attracts like...So what? As a result of mass awareness, more people are aware of their thoughts, which factors into their point of attraction.

    There is no PROBLEM with's simply information and education for those whom never realized this before.
