Sunday, July 31, 2011

Recordings of two talks in Edinburgh, May 2011

I knew these were there, but today is my first "you can slow down" day since about April. I'm home from eight weeks in Europe, have spoken at the CHN Expo in southern California, and Kirby's 25th birthday party has passed successfully.

So here are the links to talks you can listen to right there, or possibly download to your own devices, and they're free. I wish I hadn't spoken so quickly, but there it already is. :-)
from which I lifted the following:


Both talks were recorded, and are available here for
downloading as podcasts (mp3 format), which should play on anything
(PCs, Macs, iPods, etc). Each talk is split over two files; please note
that these are quite large files.

Morning talk: Unschooling information and inspiration
  • Many ways to create an environment in which natural learning can
Afternoon talk: Unforeseen benefits of Unschooling
  • Some surprising outcomes of‭ ‬20‭ ‬years of unschooling

The talk was held in the Augustine United Church on Bridge Street:

Here's part of one of the audiences, and I don't have a photo of me speaking, but the backdrop was this:

Another day that week I spoke in a smaller place with a statue of Buddha behind me.

My photos from a few days either side of that day are here:

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