Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Control, "Needs," Snakes and Ladders

Between Neglect and Control (bottom of the page)
Something new on an important page.

New page:
What do people need? What do people need to know? "Need" is a problem.
I will be adding to this page, so if you're interested or have examples, check back or write. You could leave a note in the blog comments section, too.

Snakes and Ladders, the French connection
I received and e-mail from someone in France who recognized the sleds and toboggans image as a game she had played as a child, which had belonged to her great grandmother. I knew the original had been printed in France. Isn't that cool!? The note is there, and the page was rearranged and cleaned up some.


  1. I thought of this page over xmas when I came across a Snakes & Ladders drinking game! I had to laugh remembering the religious origins of the game.

  2. I heard recently that it's being used as a drinking game, too. Connections and diversions. :-)
