Wednesday, May 13, 2009

comparisons, and a speaking schedule change

Chat transcript for Monday's "comparisons and judgments" chat:

The June 13 "unconvention" is being postponed until some time in the fall. There might be one in Los Angeles in addition to the one in Albuquerque; I'll let you know as I learn more.

In November or maybe October (or maybe early December), we're having guests from India—Ravi and Hema Bharadwaj and their children Raghu and Zoya. I promised to invite some other unschoolers with young children over, and now it's turning into a three day opportunity to meet other unschoolers. Because the January symposium isn't really geared toward beginning families or younger kids, this is an partner-plan.

It's still unformed, but in my head I'm calling it The Monkeyplatter Festival, and I'm hoping to have three days—one at Explora, one swimming/water play and one at my house and the park near me. When the date's known, I'll arrange good days and opportunities for those other activities. Conference fees? Nothing. Out-of-towners might get a conference rate at the new water park hotel if I can arrange that (all still to be determined), and we might have a room there for a gathering with a couple of speakers, or we just might not even bother. But somewhere there will be inexpensive lodging suitable for little kids, and I'll get a group rate at the museum, and we can have a monkey platter feast and work party at my house one day (with playground opportunities for anyone who wants to walk two blocks to the playground!). I need to do a couple of things before the Santa Fe Symposium that will be easier and more fun with other people. Nothing difficult at all...

1 comment:

  1. OOOh, I want to attend the monkeyplatter festival!!! I love the name, by the way!
    I hope it happens, and I hope I can make it!
